Monday, April 29, 2013

The 25 Biggest Male Turn-Offs

By mommyfriend | July 9th, 2012

Shoot us while we're down! According to YourTango, when a man smells a woman's tears he becomes less attracted and sexually aroused by her. And here we thought it was the snot.

Staking claim at his place 
Unless you're specifically invited to occupy a drawer, leave your scented candles at home.

Friendships with your exes
"  He's a great guy, it just didn't work out," you say. The whole "really great guy" thing is the problem.

Making plans for him 
Never make plans for him without checking first according to MSN Glo. (Note: Hacking into his calendar doesn't count as checking either.)

He doesn't care what color you dye your hair or which shoe looks better, just pick one and be done already, he's hungry.

Mothering him 
He loves you mothering him until he hates it. A little TLC is fine, but leave the mothering to the woman impossible to replace.

A little healthy competition is fun, sexy even. But you're a sulky sultress every time you don't win, you're no fun .

Being High Maintenance You might be Daddy’s Little Girl but in a relationship you’re suppose to be a grown ass woman.

Telling his secrets
OK, there are "secrets" and then there are secrets. You know the difference, now shhh! MSN Glo suggests the loyalty and confidentiality we keep will encourage continued communication.

Reading articles like this 
Oh, how he hates it when you read generalizations about him. Mostly because he knows they’re right.

Hating his sports 
If sports are his religion, let him have them without distraction. If you really want to know the rules of the game, ask him to explain when there's not a game on.

Being a little girl 
A bedroom filled with Sanrio is not sexy. I repeat, not sexy.

Perpetual lateness and putting yourself before others is an unattractive quality. went so far as to say flakiness gives off the impression that he's a temporary fixture in your life.

Wearing too much makeup 
Unless you're a high fashion model or a drag queen, he thinks less is more.

Acting like you know better 
Stop judging his friends and family. He likes them, even if you don't.

Talking too much during sex 
Don't ask him what he's thinking (you don't want to know), and don't talk about the kids (he doesn't want to know, at least not right then anyway).

What do you mean constant nagging isn't a turn-on? We don't understand.

Sister, put down the frying pan. Take a walk, shop, eat, cry, or whatever you have to do to keep your special brand of crazy on the DL.

Giving ultimatums 
Strong-arm a man into marriage and he'll strong-arm you into the land of resentment according to Shy Magazine.

Making jokes at his expense  
A playful jab is probably OK when made in good spirit to the proper audience, but tread lightly.

Being a boring bedfellow 
He's more than willing to put in the work, but he doesn’t want you to just lay there. At least pretend you want to be there.

Playing therapist 
He knows you took Psych 101 in college because you told him a dozen times. Now just listen.

Drinking like a minor 
He came to party, not to babysit. Shy Magazine says once a lady gets sloppy, all bets are off.

Trying to change him 
We're all works in progress. Respect the man he is and the man he'll become even without your interference.

Having bad hygiene 
This is where both sexes meet on a united front. Take care of yourself, and not only when things start getting funky.


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