Friday, July 31, 2020

No Congressional Bailout for Illinois

By the Chicago Tribune Editorial Board

July 27, 2020 -- With Congress debating another relief package to protect the economy from the coronavirus pandemic, state governments likely will receive federal money to offset revenue losses, Illinois included.

Please, Washington: Don’t turn this fifth go-round in COVID-19 aid into a bailout of poorly managed states like ours.

Any money flowing to Illinois should come with strings attached to ensure federal money is reserved strictly for the purpose of addressing virus-related losses. Insist that funds coming here are commensurate with those going to other states. Demand transparency for every dime spent. Don’t let federal aid for a global health pandemic expand into a rescue effort of Illinois for its decades of reckless state government spending.

Why the training wheels for Illinois? Senate President Don Harmon put it in writing. In April, he wrote to members of Illinois’ congressional delegation asking for $41.6 billion in coronavirus aid, including $10 billion for Illinois pensions. It was an outrageous request following decades of overspending. Illinois’ credit rating is among the nation’s worst. That “ask” had little to do with public health and everything to do with the irresponsible habits of Illinois politicians. Don’t be fooled.

“I realize I’ve asked for a lot, but this is an unprecedented situation, and we face the reality that there likely will be additional, unanticipated costs that could result in future requests for assistance,” Harmon, who has been in office since 2003, wrote in the letter.

It quickly was panned.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell in an April radio interview responded: “You raised yourself the important issue of what states have done, many of them have done to themselves, with their pension programs,” he said. “There’s not going to be any desire on the Republican side to bail out state pensions by borrowing money from future generations.”

He should hold firm today. Illinois won’t learn its lesson, control spending and become fiscally sound if the option of being “saved by Washington” exists. And remember, we’re only talking federal taxpayer dollars vs. state. It’s all taxpayer money. It’s yours.

“Illinois is ground zero for mismanaged pensions and offers instructive lessons on what not to do. It spends the most in the nation on pensions as a percentage of state and local revenue collections, about double the national average. It increased inflation-adjusted pension spending by more than 500% since 2000. But despite this first-in-the-nation spending, Illinois also has the worst pension-debt-to-revenue ratio among U.S. states, according to Moody’s,” Adam Schuster of the Illinois Policy Institute wrote earlier this month.

Digging Illinois out of its hole should not be the responsibility of taxpayers in Minnesota or Nevada or Texas. Ignore the specious argument that because Illinois sends more federal income taxes to Washington than it receives, it “deserves” more coronavirus aid. It’s unconvincing.

If Illinois is home to more high earners than other states, that doesn’t justify a bailout. Nothing does. Besides, state Democrats led by Gov. J.B. Pritzker already are using the “we have lots of high earners” argument to pursue a progressive tax structure.

Here’s our advice, and from fiscal watchdogs, including the nonpartisan Truth in Accounting: If Congress provides aid based on revenue losses, those should be actual, provable losses rather than projections.

Money should be given quarterly based on comparative revenue from the state’s previous fiscal year, evaluated from an independent, outside group. Back up those figures with audited numbers, not from within state government or any elected official’s office.

If Congress really wanted to help Illinois help itself, it would tie aid to a requirement that Illinois devise a workable plan to get its fiscal house in order. That includes pension costs, the biggest driver of Illinois’ financial instability.

Why do we have such little faith in Illinois pols to manage the people’s money responsibly? Because we, like you, live here.

Since 2003, Democrats have controlled the state legislature and failed to address rising pension unfunded liabilities. That year, under Gov. Rod Blagojevich, Illinois borrowed $10 billion and still shorted the pension funds. Lawmakers skipped full payments to the pension funds in 2006 and 2007, then borrowed again to make partial pension payments in subsequent budget years.

Even after raising income taxes 67% for four years in 2011, and after another tax hike in 2017 with GOP support, this state’s balance sheet remains a mess. We’ll ask: How is it possible to accumulate for more than a decade billions in unpaid bills and unfunded pension obligations, and still leave Springfield every May claiming to have a balanced budget?

So we have learned: Give Illinois money, and the politicians will mismanage it.

It’s time to give state government its own hard lesson, for the future benefit of everyone who lives and works here, and for taxpayers around the country who shouldn’t have to pay for our mistakes: No bailout. Lots of strings attached to any federal aid. Don’t enable Illinois leaders with a blank check.

Editorials reflect the opinion of the Chicago Tribune Editorial Board.

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