Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Potential of Hydrogen Fusion for Power

RealClearScience May 16, 2011

Dreams of Fusion Power: I'm Not the Only One

By Steven Pomeroy
I like thinking about the future -- perhaps it's the "Trekkie" in me. I like to believe that new, revolutionary technologies are on the horizon and that I will live to see them. I'm not merely talking about the next iteration of the iPhone. I'm talking about technologies that will take humanity to a higher plane. Technologies that won't simply help some of us live altered, more advanced lives, but those that will help all of us live healthy and happy lives.

We also know what an uncontrolled fusion reaction can do. The first hydrogen bomb, named "Ivy Mike," was detonated by the United States in 1952, creating a mushroom cloud over 100 miles in diameter, and a blast 6,000 times more powerful than the Hiroshima bomb. Needless to say, the unrivaled ability of fusion to both perpetuate and extinguish life is one of the greatest paradoxes that mankind had ever confronted.

For over fifty years, scientists have striven to control a fusion reaction with limited success. The most
noteworthy achievement occurred in 1997, when the Joint European Torus (JET) created 16 megawatts of fusion energy in a reaction that lasted for less than a second. However, within the next decade, controlled fusion may be within mankind's grasp.

Fusion vs. Fission

Nuclear fusion is the process by which two or more atomic nuclei join together to form a larger nucleus. Our current nuclear power plants use fission, the breaking apart of nuclei.

Unfortunately, nuclear fission creates toxic waste throughout the mining, refining, converting, enriching, and powering processes. In addition, the uranium and plutonium used for fission are very limited resources and are highly sought after by terror groups who seek to use them to create weapons of mass destruction.

On the other hand, nuclear fusion uses two isotopes of hydrogen and fuses them together, creating helium, a free neutron, and tons of energy (much more than fission). Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the Milky Way Galaxy and helium is a harmless byproduct.

The Future

Currently, there exist two main roadblocks to creating and maintaining the fusion reaction. First, it requires immense heat (150 million degrees Celsius, to be exact). Second, it demands a massive magnetic force, like the one found in the center of a star.

Despite these tremendous requirements, work towards fusion energy continues. The International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) is currently being built in southern France. On target for completion in 2018, the giant plasma reactor, or "tokamak," is intended to show the feasibility of fusion power, paving the way for fusion power plants. The estimated $16.5 billion dollar cost of the facility is being split by the European Union, India, Japan, People’s Republic of China, Russia, South Korea and the United States. The level of cooperation between member nations is truly inspiring.

Even more promising work is occurring in the United States. In 2009, after twelve years of construction, the National Ignition Facility was completed in California at a cost of $3.5 billion dollars. Scientists have plans to test Laser Inertial Fusion Energy (LIFE) by the end of 2012 [tomorrow’s blog post]. The NIF believes that a successful test will pave the way for fusion power plants by 2020.

Fusion, the energy of the stars, has long resided solely in the heavens above. But within the next 20 years, it may finally be within the grasp of mankind.

Steven R. Pomeroy is the co-editor of, a website promoting the discussion of ideas to keep America great.

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