Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Sunspots Are Shrinking

Sunspots Are Shrinking -- Yet -- Global
Warming Is Not Being Recalculated

Sunspots are disappearing -- fast!  This hasn't happened for centuries. Th reason the Earth isn't a cold, dead rock with no atmosphere is due to its nearly spherical orbit of a star at a distance that makes most of the water on this planet in a liquid rather than in a gaseous nor solid state. We may have a couple of decades of global cooling -- but -- the IPCC 2007 study is holy and global warming is a certainty even if it doesn't really get the earth's surface temperature cooking for another century! At least that's what they say at the end of this article from the French Press Agency (AFP):

               = = = = = there’s a problem: IPCC 2007 ACCOUNTED for sunspots = = = = =

"Sunspots Small dark areas on the Sun. The number of sunspots is higher during periods of high solar activity, and varies in particular with the solar cycle. "
                        --Climate Change 2007: Working Group I: The Physical Science Basis (located at: )

                                          = = = = = concluson = = = = = =

There is a major unscientific difficulty here. IPCC 2007 predicted substantial global warming throughout the 21st century. Sunspots were known about and included in the model. Now we know the sunspot projections were wrong. There is no correction of the model forthcoming from IPCC.

Therefore, on this basis alone, we can state definitively that the global warming consensus from the UN in 2007 on global warming is now out of date.
Further, there are overwhelming scientific and statistical problems with IPCC 2007 that have been addressed at the "Liberals – Faith in Global Warming 104" posting of the companion Quiddity blog of December 15, 2010.

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