Thursday, September 12, 2013

Shocking Obituary of a Cruel Mother

January 4, 1935 Sept. 30, 2013

Marianne Theresa Johnson- Reddick born Jan 4, 1935 and died alone on Sept.[sic –actually August] 30, 2013. She is survived by her 6 of 8 children whom she spent her lifetime torturing in every way possible. While she neglected and abused her small children, she refused to allow anyone else to care or show compassion towards them. When they became adults she stalked and tortured anyone they dared to love. Everyone she met, adult or child was tortured by her cruelty and exposure to violence, criminal activity, vulgarity, and hatred of the gentle or kind human spirit.

On behalf of her children whom she so abrasively exposed to her evil and violent life, we celebrate her passing from this earth and hope she lives in the afterlife reliving each gesture of violence, cruelty, and shame that she delivered on her children. Her surviving children will now live the rest of their lives with the peace of knowing their nightmare finally has some form of closure.

Most of us have found peace in helping those who have been exposed to child abuse and hope this message of her final passing can revive our message that abusing children is unforgiveable, shameless, and should not be tolerated in a "humane society". Our greatest wish now, is to stimulate a national movement that mandates a purposeful and dedicated war against child abuse in the United States of America.
More at:
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The link above includes hundreds of comments. Here are a few:
Finally, an honest obit! Life is the pits. Some parents are evil. I also had very abusive parents & was raped by my step-father. So I dealt with it & moved on. I'm not sure forgiveness is the key. Maybe it's coming to terms with the fact that very bad things happen in this world & that some people choose evil; and then choosing which way we personally want to live & love are the important decisions we have to make. But I'm tired of society soft-soaping people's darker sides when they're dead. Not everyone is a good person in this world, & it's not wrong to state it plainly, or say how you feel about it.
-- A
my Reich
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Just because a person dies doesn't make them a saint. My father was a brutal narcissist who shredded his family. I was happy to see him die (age 92) None of we children were asked to speak at his services. Those who did speak talked about a man we didn't know. Look up my book "Everyday Evil" on Amazon.

--Marilyn Pate
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The newspaper was correct to pull this "obituary" and they should drop it in the circular file. While many people think adult children have no reason to misrepresent their mother, the reality is that adult children can be mentally ill, and mentally ill people often believe others are abusing them. Even if it were true, the appropriate way to handle the obituary of an abusive person is simply to list the time of death and survivors, and to mention when services will be held. An obituary is not the place for vitriol.
--Roberta Sadie

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to Roberta Sadie--you, and people like you are the compliment to the monsters that abuse children. You lack the courage to stand up and even let the thought of defending a child cross your mind but instead want the abused children to be quiet while you, incredibly, take the side of the abusive parent. It's monsters like you that help perpetuate child abuse. You are the biggest coward of all in the eyes of an abused child. Bah, I've wasted too much time on people like you--you'll die alone with your warped logic and hateful vitriol, but, unfortunately, not soon enough. To everyone else that claims that child abuse is hard to identify and diagnose, you're just another coward, as a survivor, I can spot an abused child a mile away just by watching them for a few minutes...maybe it's something only someone that's been abused can see, but it's so obvious it infuriates me seeing the apathy of people who do nothing to help and instead make excuses and hide behind their security blanket of reason. I help abused children and will protect them with my life to prevent anyone from going through what I did. It took 10 years of working with God alone to finally forgive and make peace...counselors don't get it, the church didn't get it and no amount of happy pills will ever work. I am a peaceful, gentle soul now, but stories & comments like this stirs up the pain & memories & brings my protectiveness roaring to life. To all the survivors, keep up the hope, it does get better. Going to go hug my son & wife, tell & SHOW that I love them and thank God for them again. Peace. P.S. feel free to email me at If I can't help, I can at least show compassion and empathy and even pray with you.
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Footnote by the blog author

A crazy mother who stalks her daughter and wants to kill the daughter's lover is the central plot to the David Lynch film "Wild at Heart," which won the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival during the 1990 season.


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