Tuesday, December 24, 2013

A Splendid Santa Claus Biography

Introduction by the Blog Author
L. Frank Baum wrote 14 books about the magical land of Oz. He also wrote short stories and poems. But one of his best books is a biography of Santa Claus. Two chapters are particularly brilliant – the meeting of the forest spirits to vote on whether or not to bestow the Mantle of Immortality on Claus, and the chapter narrating the great spiritual battle between good and evil. Below are two Amazon.com reviews of Baum’s
The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus.

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How the legend got started By A Customer on June 6, 1998
Four Stars Format: Paperback

The author of The Wizard of Oz deserves consideration and respect for the delightful fantasies he has provided the world. This syrupy recreation of Santa's youth, manhood and ultimate immortality is quaintly charming--if you are young at heart. There are several serious issues mentioned: if we are to die, why are we born at all? No outright religion is preached, but this is Baum's philosophy: "Everything perishes except the world itself and its keepers...but while life lasts, everything on earth has its use. The wise seek ways to be helpful to the world, for the helpful ones are sure to live again."

This book recounts how an orphan named Claus found his true calling--to bring joy to the children of the world. Every man has his own mission, but Claus' dilemma is the morality of giving gifts to rich children, when there are so many who are poor. One chapter deals with the age-old battle between Good and Evil.
Baum describes how each custom associated with the secular celebration of Christmas came into existence--without reference to the Nativity. Baum truly loved children, as he dedicated most of his writing to their enjoyment. He concludes about Sants Claus: "No one..was so greatly beloved as Santa Claus, because none other was so unselfish as to devote hismelf to making others happy. For a generous deed....spreads and leaves its mark on all nature and endures through many generations." A sentimental tale for children of all ages.

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A magical tale about the life of Santa Claus By A customer on December 6, 1997
Five Stars Format: Paperback

Santa Claus. Two simple words that can make most children smile. L. Frank Baum once again has touched the spirits of many with his tale based on the legendary Santa Claus. I remember it being read to me by my father as a young child. As an adult, it is still magical with every reading. The story tells the tale of an abandoned baby in the woods who was adopted and raised by fairies in their forest. As Claus, a mortal, grows up among the fairies and other fascinating immortals, he learns all of their ways and secrets. When he is old enough, the Great Ak takes Claus on a journey to see how humans really live. After the trip, Claus leaves the fairy's forest to live on his own, for he has decided to try and help mankind. The first toy, was a cat that he had whittled, and painted to look real. It was given to a young, lost boy to comfort him. With this gift, and the help of his immortal friends, Claus began his legend of unselfish giving. Over the years, he was named a saint by the many who he touched. There are beautiful stories and illustrations of his gift-making and giving, along with those of the obstacles that he faced, including a fierce battle between good and evil immortals. From his adoption, to the night when Santa Claus became immortal, the book comes to life in the imagination. It is a tale that will touch children, as well as adults - perfect for nighttime reading during the holidays. As the holidays approach, I again look forward to losing myself in the spirit and magic,of Santa Claus.


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