Friday, August 29, 2014

What ISIS Wants in Iraq and Syria

What does ISIS want?  “A complete theocracy.”  Take a look at this review of the situation authored by a former MI6 official, Alastair Crooke, then hunt through the comments to Glenn R. Davis and his “game of Risk” masterful insight.  I don’t think the current White House knows what it is up against here.

Glen R Davis of Washington State University commented on the above with this remark:

The Saudis wahabists will use the ISIS attacks to take control of Iraq, to consolidate their power and wealth (Saudi oil fields are running down) and to confront the Shiite powers in Iraq and Iran. The long-term goal is to first unite the middle east (Iraq, Jordan, UAE, Qatar, Yemen, Syria,Lebanon, Turkey, Palestine, Israel); and then Africa (Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algiers, Morocco, the rest of Northern Africa, then Middle/Eastern Africa. Then even longer out; Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Azerbijan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tadjikistan, India, Bangladesh; all the southern tier countries from the old caliphates of the Ottoman, Safavid, Mughal and Abbasid Empires and beyond. Then Indonesia, Malaysia and the Phillipines. It is like a big game of "Risk", driven by their fanaticism and sense of inerrancy and religious necessity.

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