Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Lists and Links to Great Inventors

Greatest Inventors of all Time

Who is the Greatest inventor of all time?
It is hard to pick out a winner of the greatest inventor of all time. Also for some inventions we don't know the first person to invent it was. For example, fire, the wheel, a boat. All these are marvellous and essential inventions that could have been invented by anyone.
Also, sometimes inventions don't come all at once but are more gradual evolutions. For example, Baron Von Drais is credited with inventing the bicycle. But, others made significant contributions to its development.
These are some of the greatest inventors. who do you think was the greatest inventor of all time?
  • Thomas Edison - the lightbulb and many more. One of the most prolific inventors of all time
  • The Wright Brothers - for making the powered aircraft flight.
  • John Deer - inventing the plough
  • Henry Ford - for inventing the assembly line and the first low cost automobile cars
  • Benjamin Franklin - discovered electricity and invented the Franklin stove
  • Charles Babbage - created first mechanical computer
  • John Boyd Dunlop for inventing and producing the rubber pneumatic tyre.
  • Marie Curie - discovered Radium and help make use of radiation and X Rays.
  • Alexander Bell - Inventing the telephone
  • Leonardo Da Vinci - one of the greatest ever minds, invented models that proved workable 3-500 years later.
  • Galileo - the telescope and revolutionary theories about the nature of the world.
  • Tim Berners Lee the http:// protocol for the internet.
  • Archimedes - amongst other things worked out pi and developed the archimedes screw for lifting up water from mines or wells.
  • James Watt - inventor of the steam engine in the industrial revolution.
  • Nikola Tesla - fluorescent lighting, the Tesla coil, the induction motor, and 3-phase electricity and AC electricity.
  • John Logie Baird - TV

This question of greatest inventor is not simple: There is an alphabetic list of many great inventors at:

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