Thursday, May 6, 2021

Is College a Waste of Time and Money?

By the Blog Author

No!  Not if you take the right courses.”

Take freshman chemistry for a year -- including the lab!

Take "College Algebra" also called "Advanced Algebra."

This is the 21st century.  You are going to be conned and treated like a beast if you don't take these two courses that will get you familiar with the scientific method and make you an expert at something that will never, ever betray you -- the “periodic table of the elements.”

Beg, beg, beg the Philosophy Dean into establishing a course based on Jaques Ellul's book Propaganda, which is deservedly back in print.  Also take at least two Shakespeare courses, because he was and still is the grand master of human nature.

Take the freshman year of basic accounting and the next year of intermediate accounting.  This is the language of business and of modern survival.

Take the absolute dead minimum of social science courses.  These are fields that haven't been invented yet.  Waste.  Like setting fire to fresh thousand dollar bills.

STAY OUT of gender and race relations studies.  They are fairy tales.  They cannot bear the truth:  "It is all family."

Do not "follow your dream."  All dreams become laughable in the long run.  And you don't know yourself well enough to know what you will value in your forties and beyond.  Study the brilliant geniuses as taught to you by respectful profs.  “Try to see it my way…we can work it out,” as Sir Paul McCartney sang.

Wish you well in your quest.

-- Edward Binns, retired MBA/CPA 

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