Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Nuclear Power from Thorium

Is Safe, Green Thorium Power Finally Ready for Prime Time?
By John Hewitt

December 18, 2012 -- If you’ve not been tracking the thorium hype, you might be interested to learn that the benefits liquid fluoride thorium reactors (LFTRs) have over light water uranium reactors (LWRs) are compelling. Alvin Weinberg, who invented both, favored the LFTR for civilian power since its failures (when they happened) were considerably less dramatic — a catastrophic depressurization of radioactive steam, like occurred at Chernobyl in 1986, simply wouldn’t be possible. Since the technical hurdles to building LFTRs and handling their byproducts are in theory no more challenging, one might ask — where are they?

The enrichment of natural uranium is the first and perhaps most difficult step to building nuclear weapons. LWRs, which by their nature require enriched uranium, were the logical choice at the dawn of the nuclear age to develop an industry around. Richard Martin, a writer for Wired and author of Superfuel: Thorium, the Green Energy Source for the Future, summarized the argument a little more succinctly: the US abandoned thorium reactors because they didn’t produce plutonium bombs. The larger truth, of course, is a little more complex.

Today’s nuclear industry might be described as an elephant. It would be very difficult for an elephant to evolve wings (thorium) because big animals just do not evolve wings — little animals evolve wings and they in turn might evolve into bigger animals with wings. The chosen gimmick of the proto-elephant was the trunk (uranium), at first just a little one, but as elephants got larger, their trunks got really really large; it became their defining feature.

The molten salt reactor (MSR), predecessor of the LFTR, lost out to the LWR in the early ’50s for a simple reason. When Navy Admiral Hyman Rickover got wind of the possibilities of nuclear power, he wanted and got nuclear-powered submarines. Unfortunately for the MSR, sodium would react violently if it accidentally contacted water. The baby nuclear elephant would be a small machine, but light water uranium reactors, which already had a little head start, would be the technology. It also didn’t help the case for MSRs that naval and shipyard engineers were already the best in the world at working with water. They were experts at building the corrosion resistant pumps, valves, bearings and other machinery needed to utilize it. But as Martin keenly observes in Superfuel, five decades later we see that the essential element of today’s technology, pressurized water, has become its Achilles heal.

Weinberg continued to pour his efforts into a small, workable MSR to be used as a powerplant for a nuclear airplane. This was an unfortunate misdirection. In a time when there were actual plans to use nuclear technology to dam the Straight of Gibraltar and reclaim lands long ago submerged under the Mediterranean, the idea of a nuclear airplane was not so absurd. The Cold War not withstanding, in times of prevailing peace, a flying nuclear reactor cannot count its first success as managing not to crash and destroy itself. The US and Russia ran similar programs and flew test reactors on board conventional aircraft, but ultimately both projects were scrapped.

Many people think it is not too late today, to attempt put some muscle into Dumbo’s ears so to speak, and revisit the thorium reactor. Several private efforts in the US have sprung up, led by entrepreneurs who have the knowledge necessary to do so. One project undertaken by Terrapower, funded through Microsoft’s Intellectual Ventures, is trying to build a device called a travelling wave reactor. It is a little more exotic than the MSR technology from decades ago and will require considerable effort to realize. Other homegrown efforts by start-ups like Flibe Energy, Thorium Power, and Lightbridge are struggling to fund their projects without visible government support.

Flibe Energy is looking to make ends meet by exploiting the fact that LFTRs are very good at producing medical isotopes like molybdenum-99, 90% of which we currently import from Canada. Our looming medical isotope problem is irresponsible and inexcusable as these isotopes are critical to patient diagnoses and treatment. Any health care system which fails to provide for their reliable procurement will only accelerate current medical cost inflation. Transatomic is another US-based company scrapping to survive. It is now running tests using the IR-8 research reactor at the Kurchatov Institute in Moscow. Thorium Power, based outside of Washington DC, is also working with Russian scientists to use thorium fuel — not to directly generate energy, but instead to burn surplus military plutonium.

Observing the struggle of these groups just to raise capital, one might ask how the US could possibly develop thorium power on our soil if we can’t even dig up rare earths? The reason why we can’t dig up monazite deposits which contain abundant rare earths is because the ores are “contaminated” with too much, well — thorium. Apparently regulations on handling thorium — actually a rather mild, low-alpha emitter — are restrictive to the point of being prohibitive.

Efforts to organize a strategic thorium reserve in our country for future use by someone, or anyone, have emitted a plaintive cry largely lost in a system dominated by shortsighted policy and shareholder obligation. Just as our regulatory policy guarantees China’s supremacy in rare earths, so it does for thorium. Meanwhile, that which a mining company in our country must expensively handle as radioactive waste, stabilize in concrete, and return to a landfill, China is cherishing and funding with a five-year reactor plan to the tune of half a billion dollars. The industry sentiment, “if we like foreign oil dependency, we are going to love foreign nuclear technology dependency,” needs to be taken to heart.

India has shown the greatest long term commitment to thorium power, and perhaps represents perhaps its future even more than China. In 1974 India tested a nuclear bomb made from plutonium extracted from spent reactor fuel. Governments around the world were forced to face the realty of large scale commercial reprocessing. India never signed the Nuclear Proliferation Treaty and was barred from international trade in nuclear technology until 2006. With the world’s most abundant thorium deposits, the country initiated a long-term plan to integrate thorium fuel reactors into its comprehensive nuclear strategy, and now hopes to have its first successes within a few years.

The thorium power industry today is highly dynamic. New players, like Thor Energy in Norway, can burst on the scene and capture world attention within a short time. Recently the journal Nature published a pair of noteworthy articles on thorium power. One of them noted that in spite of its obvious safety advantages, thorium is not a route to a nuclear future that is completely immune to proliferation risks. The authors detailed pathways by which thorium could in theory be transmuted into feedstock for nuclear weapons. They called on the larger community to independently corroborate their analysis and institute necessary oversights. The geopolitical implications for thorium energy demand that the US be more that a spectator of the serious sport it founded — we must also be part player, and part referee to the extent that which we still can.

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Thorium Progress in China and India


At the 2011 annual conference of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, it was announced that "China has initiated a research and development project in thorium MSR technology." In addition, Dr. Jiang Mianheng, son of China's former leader Jiang Zemin, led a thorium delegation in non-disclosure talks at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Tennessee, and by late 2013 China had officially partnered with Oak Ridge to aid China in its own development. The World Nuclear Association notes that the China Academy of Sciences in January 2011 announced its R&D program, "claiming to have the world's largest national effort on it, hoping to obtain full intellectual property rights on the technology." According to Martin, "China has made clear its intention to go it alone," adding that China already has a monopoly over most of the world's rare earth minerals.

In March 2014, with their reliance on coal-fired power having become a major cause of their current "smog crisis," they reduced their original goal of creating a working reactor from 25 years down to 10. "In the past, the government was interested in nuclear power because of the energy shortage. Now they are more interested because of smog," said Professor Li Zhong, a scientist working on the project. "This is definitely a race," he added.

In early 2012, it was reported that China, using components produced by the West and Russia, planned to build two prototype thorium MSRs by 2015, and had budgeted the project at $400 million and requiring 400 workers." China also finalized an agreement with a Canadian nuclear technology company to develop improved CANDU reactors using thorium and uranium as a fuel.


India has one of the largest supplies of thorium in the world, with comparatively poor quantities of uranium. India has projected meeting as much as 30% of its electrical demands through thorium by 2050.

In February 2014, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC), in Mumbai, India, presented their latest design for a "next-generation nuclear reactor" that burns thorium as its fuel ore, calling it the Advanced Heavy Water Reactor (AWHR). They estimated the reactor could function without an operator for 120 days. Validation of its core reactor physics was underway by late 2017.

According to Dr R K Sinha, chairman of their Atomic Energy Commission, "This will reduce our dependence on fossil fuels, mostly imported, and will be a major contribution to global efforts to combat climate change." Because of its inherent safety, they expect that similar designs could be set up "within" populated cities, like Mumbai or Delhi.

India's government is also developing up to 62, mostly thorium reactors, which it expects to be operational by 2025. It is the "only country in the world with a detailed, funded, government-approved plan" to focus on thorium-based nuclear power. The country currently gets under 2% of its electricity from nuclear power, with the rest coming from coal (60%), hydroelectricity (16%), other renewable sources (12%) and natural gas (9%). It expects to produce around 25% of its electricity from nuclear power. In 2009 the chairman of the Indian Atomic Energy Commission said that India has a "long-term objective goal of becoming energy-independent based on its vast thorium resources."

In late June 2012, India announced that their "first commercial fast reactor" was near completion making India the most advanced country in thorium research." We have huge reserves of thorium. The challenge is to develop technology for converting this to fissile material," stated their former Chairman of India's Atomic Energy Commission. That vision of using thorium in place of uranium was set out in the 1950s by physicist Homi Bhabha. India's first commercial fast breeder reactor — the 500 MWe Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor (PFBR) — is approaching completion at the Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam, Tamil Nadu.

As of July 2013 the major equipment of the PFBR had been erected and the loading of "dummy" fuels in peripheral locations was in progress. The reactor was expected to go critical by September 2014. The Centre had sanctioned Rs. 5,677 crore for building the PFBR and “we will definitely build the reactor within that amount,” Mr. Kumar asserted. The original cost of the project was Rs. 3,492 crore, revised to Rs. 5,677 crore. Electricity generated from the PFBR would be sold to the State Electricity Boards at Rs. 4.44 a unit. BHAVINI builds breeder reactors in India.

In 2013 India's 300 MWe AHWR (pressurized heavy water reactor) was slated to be built at an undisclosed location. The design envisages a start up with reactor grade plutonium that breeds U-233 from Th-232. Thereafter, thorium is to be the only fuel. As of 2017, the design is in the final stages of validation.

Delays have since postponed the commissioning [criticality?] of the PFBR to Sept 2016, but India's commitment to long-term nuclear energy production is underscored by the approval in 2015 of ten new sites for reactors of unspecified types, though procurement of primary fissile material – preferably plutonium – may be problematic due to India's low uranium reserves and capacity for production.

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